Winter can be a difficult season on your physical and emotional health.. With winter comes the onslaught of coughs, colds, and more…but does it have to be this way? But don’t forget that using oils has become a very popular way to promote optimal health using a holistic approach. There are five essential oils in particular that are especially helpful in keeping you healthy throughout the season. You can use these oils a number of different ways to help fight your illnesses.

Lavender Oil
Lavender is definitely one of the most popular essential oils and it has antibacterial, antidepressant and anti-inflammatory effects. This oil is especially helpful in clearing up a stuffy nose, making it ideal for allergies and minor illnesses like the common cold. It can also help break up congestion when you add five drops to your humidifier each day.
The cold weather of the winter season can do a number on your skin and leave it dry and flaky. This essential oil has moisturizing effects to help keep your skin hydrated and healthy. You can also combine it with other skin-healthy oils, such as jojoba oil, for an extra burst of hydration.
Oregano Oil
Antiviral and antibacterial, this essential oil helps boost the immune system and is perfect for combating infections. If you were to choose only one essential oil for the winter, oregano should be it. All of these properties come together to fight off illness, make your immune system stronger to prevent illness and to alleviate certain symptoms associated with fall illnesses like the cold and flu. It is especially helpful for relieving a sore throat.
If you experience anxiety and have difficulty sleeping, this essential oil is helpful. It induces feelings of inner serenity and calmness so that you are able to relax and fall asleep when you are ready for bed. It also helps to reduce the fear associated with anxiety.
Lemon Oil
Lemon essential oil has mood-boosting, astringent and antibacterial effects. You can use this oil to help prevent illness or to help fight illness if you are already sick. Since many germs crop up in the winter, it is important to frequently clean your home with something like lemon that is able to kill germs so that they do not stick around and make you sick.
Lemon oil also helps energize, making it perfect for a DIY air freshener. The scent of lemons has the ability to boost your mood and alleviate your stress.
When earaches or swelling in your lymph nodes has you feeling icky, rub a little lemon oil (with carrier oil) around your ears and/or lymph nodes to allow them to drain.

Peppermint Oil
Peppermint oil smells healthy! One of its most important properties is as a mood booster. It also has immune-boosting properties and works to reduce your appetite. During the winter months, the days are shorter and those who are prone to depression and anxiety may notice that their symptoms are worse. Peppermint helps to eliminate fatigue and ease depression and anxiety so that you are able to go about your days without interruption.
Peppermint helps to stimulate your immune system, but if you are already sick, it can help with several symptoms that are common with winter illnesses. If you have a sinus headache, you must alleviate the pressure from your sinuses for it to go away. Peppermint helps to relieve this sinus pressure and drain your sinuses so that you can get rid of the pain and stuffiness.
Frankincense Oil
Frankincense has immune-boosting and purifying properties which can help to prevent you from getting sick during the winter season.Great for coughs, frankincense oil is said to be a natural remedy for the lungs. Since this is the prime time to catch the common cold or influenza, using frankincense regularly is a good idea so that you can get through the season without getting sick. When combined with frequent hand washing, you will find that your immune system is stronger and that you are more resistant to illness.
When the days start to get shorter during this season, some people find themselves feeling a bit down and their energy is not as high as it is during the summer months. Frankincense helps to improve your mood and alleviate anxiety. It also helps to relax you so that you can sleep.