Father’s Day is coming up, today we are talking about the history of Father’s Day in the United States. Modern version of Father’s Day celebration originated in United States of America and has been officially celebrated there on the third Sunday in June since 1966. Thereafter the tradition spread in countries around the world. There are two stories of when the first Father’s Day was celebrated.

The first known Father’s Day service occurred at the Williams Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church South in Fairmont, West Virginia, on July 5, 1908, thanks to the efforts of Grace Golden Clayton. Mrs. Clayton had asked her pastor, Dr. R. Thomas Webb, if a Sunday service could be held to honor fathers. While missing her own dad, who had died in 1896, she especially wanted to have a service in remembrance of the over 200 fathers who had died in the Monongah mining explosion that had occurred a few miles south of Fairmont on December 6 of the previous year. (It was the worst mining disaster in U.S. history, killing more than 360 men and boys, and leaving about 1,000 children fatherless.) Although the Fairmont service was the first known to honor fathers, it did not turn into an annual event, nor was the idea promoted (a large July 4 celebration in Fairmont and a tragic young death from typhoid fever having taken over the news at the time).

When Sonora was 16, her mother died while giving birth to her sixth child, the last of five sons. Back then, like today, single parenthood was no easy task. By Sonoma’s account, though, Mr. Smart did a wonderful job. Because of this love and esteem, Sonoma Smart Dodd believed that her father deserved a special time of honor just like that given to mothers on Mother’s Day.
In 1909, Sonoma Smart Dodd approached the Spokane YMCA and the Spokane Ministerial Alliance and suggested that her father’s birthday — June 5 — become a celebration day for Father’s Day. Because they wanted more time to prepare, the Ministerial Alliance chose June 19 instead.
The first Father’s Day was thus observed in the State of Washington on June 19, 1910. The idea of officially celebrating fatherhood spread quickly across the United States, as more and more states adopted the holiday. In 1924, President Calvin Coolidge recognized Father’s Day as the third Sunday in June of that year and encouraged states to do the same. Congress officially recognized Father’s Day in 1956 with the passage of a joint resolution.
Ten years later, in 1966, President Lyndon Johnson issued a proclamation calling for the third Sunday in June to be recognized as Father’s Day. In 1972, President Richard Nixon permanently established the observance of the third Sunday in June as Father’s Day in the United States.
Sonora Smart Dodd lived to see her idea come to fruition. She died in 1978 at the ripe old age of 96.
This Father’s Day, nothing mushy. Just tell him that you’re glad to be his son.