How to help relieve headaches

Headaches are one of the most common health problems people experience. If you’re one of the millions of headache sufferers, we probably don’t have to tell you how negatively it can impact one’s life, physically, emotionally and financially. Repeated headaches can cause problems with your career, your relationships, and social life. Headaches aren’t just painful, they can be disabling. So everyone has to deal with them in time.


Aromatherapy For Headache Relief

First of all, you should find the main reason of the headache. Stress levels are big factor for headaches and migraines. If you find that you are in fact dealing with significant stress I recommend taking frequent baths. A nice relaxing aromatherapy bath can be wonderful for headache pain. All you need to do is add about 5 drops of the essential oil to half a cup of milk or a tablespoon of carrier oil. Don’t add it under running water as it will evaporate faster. For migraine attacks, you may want to add a cup of Epsom salt too as it will help replenish your magnesium levels – a magnesium deficiency can often trigger an attack.


You can also choose the second aromatherapy ways for headache relief,


Vanilla oil –15 drops

Tangerine Oil- 2 drops

Lavender oil- 20 drop


Take a linen or cotton cloth, about the size of your face, dip it in Luke warm water for 2 minutes and then drench out all the water. After removing the cloth from water add the prescribed quantities of oil over the piece of cloth. Now take this piece of cloth over your face and lay down for about fifteen minutes, during this time try to inhale as much fragrance as you can. This will surely affect your nerves and you will find a relief from headache. The lavender oil will also effect on the stress and anxiety level of the body. So in case the reason of the headache is some stress it will eventually make quick effects.


Essential Oil For Headache Relief

Essential oils can successfully be used to soothe headaches and migraine to get you through the day. Let’s look at some of the best essential oils to help you stop your headaches in their tracks.



Peppermint is actually a hybrid species of spearmint and watermint. It’s known for its cooling sensation, and it offers a calming effect as well as the ability to inhibit muscle contractions and stimulate blood flow in the forehead when applied topically. It’s particularly helpful for soothing away a tension headache when used topically on the temples and across the forehead. Not only does it smell wonderful, it’s one of the oldest herbs used for medicinal purposes. As peppermint is an uplifting scent that can energize, avoid using it just before bedtime as it can interfere with sleep.



While helichrysum essential oil is best known for its skin and wound healing applications, due to its analgesic qualities and anti-inflammatory properties, it is considered a safe and effective headache remedy. It also helps soothe the nerves, which is is good for relieving those tension based headaches.



The most popular essential oil of all, lavender offers well-known calming effects that are often used to help battle symptoms of stress, depression, anxiety and nerve-related insomnia. It’s also grown a reputation for its ability to naturally heal migraines and headaches caused by anxiety or stress.


Other Essential Oils known to benefit migraine or headache sufferers:






Idaho Balsam Fir




 When Using Essential Oils for Headaches what you should be attention

The right essential oil for a headache can go a long way toward relieving the pain associated with migraines, tension headaches, and sinus headaches. However, essential oils can produce minor side effects such as skin rashes. These oils should be diluted before applying them topically to sensitive areas like the forehead or nose. When using essential oils internally, it’s important to remember that you don’t need much for the oils to be effective—one or two drops is all you need. Also, essential oils should only be used for a maximum of four weeks before taking a week-long break.


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