Sometimes our child get a boo boo, and the fear from their injury is far greater than the boo boo itself. For these times when your little precious one is crying hard but the boo boo is minor, have him/her “help” you make those easy recipe.

Recipe 1
- 1 Cotton Ball
- Witch Hazel Hydrosol – enough to saturate the cotton ball.
- 1 drop Lavender Essential Oil
Pour a little bit of hydrosol into a tiny bowl, and then have your child dip the cotton ball into the bowl. Then, apply one drop of lavender to the saturated cotton ball. Have your little one smell the “boo boo juice.” Since lavender helps bring calm, the aroma can be soothing. Then, apply the boo boo juice to the minor cut/scrape or allow your little one to take charge and do it. The process of “making” the boo boo juice will help take her mind off of her injury.
Recipe 2
1 drop of Helichrysum (Croatia)
Put directly on abrasions or cuts. This oil is fantastic for cuts and scrapes. You will amazing at how wonderful essential oils are!
Recipe 3
4-ounce oil safe spray bottle
15 drops Tea Tree Oil
15 drops Lavender Essential Oil
10 drops Frankincense Essential Oil
Carrier oils
Place essential oils in the bottle.
Fill with the carrier oil.
Shake well before each use.
Apply 4 times daily to cuts, scrapes, and rashes.